It’s A Sign!
I’m sure you’ve heard someone say, “That must be a sign.” Maybe after a strange coincidence or a perfectly timed event. It’s easy to brush it off as chance, but let me ask you this: haven’t you ever had a moment that felt too perfectly aligned to be random? A song playing just when you needed it, a stranger’s words answering a question you hadn’t spoken out aloud, or seeing the same number everywhere you turn.
What if these moments aren’t accidents, but subtle ways the Universe communicates with us? Even if you’re skeptical, consider this: paying attention to these ‘signs’ might just open you up to possibilities you didn’t know were there. Let’s explore how this works.
Ways The Universe Communicates With Us
Signs from the Universe are subtle messages, symbols or synchronicities that appear in our lives to guide us, confirm our path or nudge us toward a new direction.
The Universe uses these signs to communicate with us, reminding us to trust the process or encouraging us to take a leap of faith. They are here to let us know that we are supported and that we’re never truly alone on our path.
The universe has countless ways of communicating with us, sending subtle signs to guide us along our path. Here are some of the most common ways the Universe speaks to us.
1. Numbers and Synchronicities
Numbers are one of the most powerful ways the universe communicates. Have you ever noticed repeating numbers like 111, 222, or 333 appearing frequently? Maybe you always seem to catch the clock at 11:11, or perhaps a receipt totals exactly $44.44. These patterns aren’t just coincidences—they’re signs to pay attention.
For me, the number 22 became a constant companion during a pivotal time in my life. It seemed to appear everywhere, urging me to dig deeper into its meaning. I found a book on Angel numbers and learned that 22 signifies being on the right path. Whenever 22 showed up more frequently, I knew I was approaching a major life decision and I paid extra attention.
Let me share a story about how this played out in my love life. I’d always been hesitant to commit to a relationship, often backing out after a few dates due to past heartbreaks. I was content with my life in Amsterdam, surrounded by friends and family, and convinced I didn’t need a relationship to be happy.
Then, one summer at a dance festival called Loveland, I met Lennaert. We hit it off immediately and began dating, but I still kept my distance. A friend finally called me out, saying, “You always do this. Just text him back and see where it goes. What do you have to lose?” I decided to listen.
One morning, after an incredible date together, we were having coffee on my front stoop. Out of nowhere, a man I’d never seen before walked by, stopped, and said, “Did you know the number 22 is a very powerful number?” I was stunned. He went on for five more minutes to explain its significance, but all I could think was, “This is a sign.” That same evening, our Thai takeaway bill came to exactly €22. Message received, universe: Lennaert was a keeper.
Fast forward twelve years, and we’re still together, with two beautiful boys, living in Bali. Of course seeing the number 22 was not the main reason for that to happen, but that guidance was very important for me. It encouraged me to take that leap of faith. So, the next time you notice certain numbers repeatedly, pay attention—they might be trying to tell you something important!
2. Music and Songs
The universe also communicates through music. A song playing at just the right moment can carry a message you need to hear. Whenever this happens to me, I get butterflies, a sign that I should listen closely. Often, the lyrics provide answers to questions I’ve been grappling with or offer reassurance when I need it most.
I remember feeling a bit low, trying to lift my spirits by putting on my favorite playlist while doing some chores around the house, I created that playlist and knew all the songs in there. All of a sudden a song came on that I’d never heard before. It was called ‘Angels by my side’. I felt a flutter in my stomach and felt so incredibly supported. As if someone was telling me I was not alone and it would be okay. I remember checking my playlist to see if I wasn’t making it up, but the song really wasn’t in there. Magical!
3. Messages Through Other People
Sometimes, the universe sends people into our lives to guide us. There have been countless times when I was struggling with a question, only to receive a text from a friend with exactly the information I needed. Or, I’d be introduced to someone who was doing the very thing I was dreaming of, and suddenly, I had the answers I’d been searching for.
These encounters aren’t accidents—they’re divine connections. The universe often uses the people around us as messengers to help us on our journey.
4. Social Media
While social media has its downsides, it can also serve as a channel for guidance. Have you ever stumbled upon a post that seemed to speak directly to you, right when you needed it? I’ve been inspired countless times by posts that appeared just as I was seeking clarity. Social media can introduce you to teachers, practices, and perspectives that align with where you are on your path.
5. Card Decks
Another way for the Universe to get your attention is through a deck of cards. Whether it’s Tarot, Oracle or Angel cards, any card deck will do.
Have you ever noticed that you keep drawing the same card over and over, no matter how well you shuffle the deck? This isn’t just coincidence; it’s a clear sign from the Universe, urging you to pay attention to the message the card holds.
I draw cards every morning as part of my morning ritual and there are times that the same card keeps popping up, sometimes even on a daily basis. I always find it magical when that happens and make sure to feel into the message it holds.
Ask For A Sign
You can ask the Universe for a sign. You can even do it right now! Wanna give it a try?
Sit in a comfortable position, your feet planted on the ground. Take a few deep breaths until you feel completely relaxed. When you feel ready, ask the Universe for a sign. Trust that the first thing that comes to mind is your sign. This could be anything; an animal, a number sequence, a book title, a symbol or a name. It does not have to be logic or make sense in any way, often it doesn’t.
Once you have asked for a sign, open yourself up to receiving it. That doesn’t mean looking for it everywhere you go, but it means that you send out the message that you are open to being guided by something bigger than you, even if you don’t completely understand how this works.
Then, be patient…
Receiving Your Sign
When you receive your sign, be grateful! Pay attention to how the sign makes you feel. If receiving a sign makes you feel connected and aligned, and you feel that you are receiving an intuitive message to move forward, don’t second-guess it. Trust
the guidance! Sometimes receiving your sign provokes a physical sensation like goosebumps or a flutter in your stomach. This is always a clear indication to pay attention.
Write about your signs in your journal, share the stories with other people and be open to receiving more guidance. You will be amazed at how magical your life can be.
Final Thoughts: Trust the Signs
The universe is always communicating with us, sending signs to guide, support, and encourage us. The more you tune in and trust these signs, the more clearly you’ll hear them. Whether it’s numbers, songs, people, or social media posts, the messages are there to help you stay aligned with your soul’s journey.
So, the next time something catches your attention: pause, listen, and see what the Universe is trying to tell you. You might just find the guidance you’ve been looking for.